Download Dr Neil’s biomedical waste management rules in hospitals 2014 presentation in PPT or PDF format with transcript available.
This Scientific approach deals with the disposal of medical waste regulations and the issues related to proper waste managementin helping to motivateand train hospital (other similar facilities) staff.

Biohazardousmaterial administration major issue for hospitals, dialysis centres, nursing homes, dental offices, labs, and physicians’ offices, but also to the environment.

CLICK HERE to download our PDF in BioMedical Waste Management Rules 2014
CLICK HERE to download our PPT in BioMedical Waste Management Rules 2014


1. The Board of Environmental Protection adopted 06-096 CMR 900, the Biomedical Waste Management Rules in 1989 with an effective date of 1991.
2. The Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,1998, as amended to date ( for Bio-Medical Waste generated from the HCEs).